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Bus Fares

All fares are for one-way transportation.

We are door-to-door service only. To schedule your ride, call (319) 472-2413 with at least 24 hours of advance notice. Have the following information ready for the scheduler:

  • Your name, address, and phone number.
  • Name and address of the destination.
  • Date and time you wish to go and return.
  • If you are in a wheelchair or need special assistance.

To cancel a ride, please call a dispatcher at least 2 hours before pickup. Excessive late cancellations or no-shows can result in suspension of services. We have a 24-hour answering machine for your convenience.

Benton County

In Town
Vinton and Belle Plaine
per Ride
In-County (Mile From Bus Garage) - 0-10 Miles
per Ride
In-County (Mile From Bus Garage) - 10+ Miles
per Ride
Special trips - rates are roundtrip from our garage
per Hour
All Rides Subject to Wait Time
per Hour
Out of County Rides with Scheduled Route
per Ride
School Kids
In Town - Vinton
per Ride

Belle Plaine

To Vinton
Call for schedule.
per Ride


Cedar Rapids - Scheduled Route
Monday thru Friday 7:15 a.m. & 12:30 p.m
per Ride