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East Central Region Website

The Benton County Mental Health/Disability Services of the East Central Region (ECR) is located at the Benton County Service Center in Vinton. It is a partnership between 9 counties to provide comprehensive brain health and disability services to individuals in eastern Iowa. Iowans have a regional base of services that meet statewide standards to address their needs. Counties pool their resources and offer an array of services to improve the health of Iowans.

East Central Region Website

In accordance with the principles enumerated in the legislative redesign, the ECR will work in a quality improvement partnership with stakeholders in the region (providers, families, individuals, and partner health and human service systems) to develop a system of care approach that is characterized by the following principles and values:

  • Welcoming and individual-oriented
  • Person and family-driven
  • Recovery/resiliency oriented
  • Trauma-informed
  • Culturally competent
  • Multi-occurring capable