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Other Services

Vehicle Salvage Inspections

By appointment only. Call (319) 472-2337 option 4 to schedule an appointment with Sheriff Upah .
$50.00 fee per vehicle.
You must go to the state website to complete the required AFFIDAVIT OF SALVAGE REPAIRS and pay the fee online before your appointment.

Driving Records

You can request a printout of your record at the Communications Window.
The fee is $7.50. Cash only please, exact change.

House checks

To have someone check on your residence when you are out of town or gone for a period of time. Contact dispatch/communications at (319) 472-2337, option 1 to set this up.


Contact jail staff for an appointment at 319-472-2337, option 2.  Fingerprinting will only be conducted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.

$25.00 fee for out-of-county residents. Cash only please, exact change.

Accident Reports

Accident reports are available at CRASHDOCS   “7-10 business days after completion of the report by the officer. You will need the date of the accident, agency case number (remove the hypen), and last name of a party involved to process the request in CRASHDOCS