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Benton County is not issuing Annual Oversize/Overweight Permits. If there are any questions about this please feel free to contact the office at (319) 472-2211.

Permits can be submitted to the Benton County Secondary Roads Department.

 Submit a permit via the following methods:

  • Fax (Preferred): (319) 472-2737
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mail: Benton County Secondary Roads Department
    1707 West 1st Street
    Vinton, IA 52349


Benton County Annual Oversize Permit

  • Valid for 12 months, Unlimited Trips
  • 96,000 Pounds Gross Maximum (with proper amount of axles), 20,000 Pounds Per Axle Maximum
  • Valid on all state and interstate highways

Benton County Trip Permit
Permit for Tile Crossing of Secondary Roads System
Work in the Right-of-Way Permit
Utility Permit