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Dust Control



This section contains the policies for Private Dust Control and MC-70 Dust Control Application by Benton County.


MC-70 Dust Control Program

  1. MC-70 will be applied as soon after the deadline as possible, weather and road conditions permitting. The recommended application length is 400 ft with 50 ft additional increments of length. The width will be approximately 24 ft.
  2. The fee for a double application is stated on our price list, starting with a mimimum 400' area.  Additional footage is available at a set rate. Second applications will be placed in the same location as the first. No deviation will be permitted.
  3. Rural residents must sign up for the dust control program in the following manner:
    • The signup period is set by the Benton County Board of Supervisors each year.
    • Fee payments must be made at the time of sign up either by cash or check. Any check returned for insufficient funds will automatically cancel the individual's sign-up.
    • Sign up location will be at the Secondary Roads Office, 1707 W. 1st Street, Vinton. Hours: 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday thru Friday.
    • Treated sections may be tore up and bladed at any time if the surface becomes a detriment to traffic. After October 31st, such sections may not be maintained as a treated surface but may be reverted to a granular surface type.
  4. The payment of fees does not guarantee that the treated area will last to the satisfaction of the fee payer. Many conditions affect the performance of the treated surface such as traffic, weather, soil condition and quality of material used.
  5. The treated sections may be torn up and bladed at any time if in the judgement of the Maintenance Superintendent and with approval of the County Engineer, the surface has degraded to the extent that it has become a traffic hazard.
  6. Unless approved by the County Engineer, all areas left through the winter will be scarified in the spring to prepare the road for the following year's application. No existing treated area will be allowed to have additional MC-70 applied.
  7. Benton County will not guarantee that the first application will be completed by Memorial Day.  After October 31st, any treated sections may be tore up and reverted to a granular surface type.




Private Dust Control Policy

Dust control permits are granted subject to the following conditions.

  1. A property owner may apply the approved material only in front of his/her property.
  2. Notify the County Engineer's Office one week in advance of the work so that the roadway can be tore up, and again one day in advance of the work so that the roadway can be properly shaped.  Phone # (319) 472-2211. Fax # (319) 472-2737
  3. Material used on any public highway may be any of the following:
    • Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
    • Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2)
    • Lignin Sulfonate (Tree Sap)
    • Soy Oil
    • MgCl2 + Lignin (Blend)
    • MC-70
  4. Private dust control must be applied at such a light rate that it will not splatter under road traffic.  Any puddles that are formed must be blotted with sand or chips immediately in sufficient quantity that they will not splatter under traffic. A heavier application may be made if desired, and the entire surface must be covered with sand or chips immediately in sufficient quantity that it will not splatter or splash under traffic.
  5. Application area must be at least 18 feet in width.
  6. Adequate advance warnings must be placed 300 feet in each direction from the dust palliative and at the beginning and end of the treated portion. If it is not possible or practical to place the advance warnings 300 feet from the treated section, they shall be placed as far away within 300 feet as possible to give traffic a chance to slow down. The Permit Applicant is responsible for providing these specified safety measures and shall be completely responsible for the safety and welfare of the traveling public.
  7. After the dust palliative has been applied, the Permit Applicant is responsible for perpetually keeping the treated portion free of "chuck holes" by filling them as soon as they develop.
  8. Iowa law specifies that the purpose of a public highway is to serve the traveling public. Therefore, Benton County is obligated to, and reserves the right to scarify any treated portions and maintain them as rock surface if in the County's opinion, the Permit Applicant has not done maintenance properly. The County will give the applicant seven (7) days notice (from date of mailing) to take care of any holes or irregularities and if not remedied by that time the county will proceed to scarify the treated area and maintain it as a rock surface.
  9. The permit is valid until October 31st of the year issued, and the County reserves the right to tear up all portions after this date without notice to the Permit Applicant if in the County's opinion the surface will not remain reasonably sound throughout the winter and spring and may become a detriment to the traveling public.
  10. The Permit Applicant understands that Benton County has not obligation to establish a unit price, or to furnish a checker and will assume no responsibility for the work.
  11. The Permit Applicant understands that by acceptance of this Permit, they assume full responsibility for any and all liability resulting from this work on a public highway.
  12. All areas left through the winter will be tore up in the spring to prepare the road for the following year's application.