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Secondary Roads

Department Alert

Secondary Roads has liquidated vehicles/equipment for sale on Publicsurplus.com.

Benton County Secondary Roads

1707 W. 1st Street
Vinton, IA 52349
Driving Directions

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 759
Vinton, IA 52349

Contact Information

(319) 472-2211
(319) 472-2737 (Fax)


7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Holiday Closures

Secondary Roads

The Benton County Secondary Roads Department is responsible for creating and maintaining a quality, safe and cost-effective roadway system.

Benton County is home to 1,249 miles of roads and 327 bridges. In order to maintain these roads efficiently, the county is divided into 13 maintenance districts. Each district has a maintainer operator who works out of a local shop and is responsible for the upkeep of roads in these areas. The Secondary Roads Department maintains 234 miles of hard-surfaced roads, 925 miles of gravel roads, and 90 miles of dirt roads.


The Benton County Engineers Office is responsible for the design and construction of road and bridge projects, permitting, budgeting, and personnel administration for the Secondary Roads Department.  Permits for dust control, driveways, tile crossings, utilities, moving or working in the right-of-way are issued through this office.

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