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Benton County Courthouse

111 E. 4th St. · 1st Floor
Vinton, IA 52349
Driving Directions

Contact Information

(319) 472-3309
(319) 472-3647 (Fax)


Monday thru Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Passport Hours
Appointment Needed
Tuesday and Thursday
8:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
8:15 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Holiday Closures

Our Team

Lexa S. Speidel
County Recorder
Marla Sutton
Deputy/Passport Agent
Katelyn Welper
Deputy/Vital Records Specialist


The office of the County Recorder was established in 1839 to maintain official records of documents affecting title to real estate in order to preserve property rights and protect innocent third parties in real estate transactions. Although this basic duty remains relatively unchanged, many additional functions have been added to the office. The office of the Recorder is an elected position with a term of four.

The County Recorder is required to follow the Code of Iowa when recording documents.  We work with the Iowa Department of Revenue collecting Iowa Real Estate Transfer Tax and Sales/Use Tax;  the Iowa Department of Public Health collecting fees for processing marriage applications, and issuing certified copies for birth, death & marriage records; the Iowa Department of Natural Resources collecting fees for issuing hunting & fishing licenses; boat, snowmobile and ATV/ORV registrations and titles and the US Department of State processing and collecting fees for passport applications. January, 2007 the Iowa County Recorders/Registrars Association launched the Iowa Land Records website and began filing documents electronically.

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