Vaccines & Immunizations
One of the best ways to protect infants, children, and adults against potentially harmful diseases is through vaccination. Vaccines reduce the risk of infection by working with the body's natural defenses to help it safely develop immunity to disease.
If you have lost your vaccination card, it cannot be replaced but we can issue a copy of your immunization record.

Recommended Immunizations (Vacunas Recomendadas)
Vaccines for Children (VFC) - Virginia Gay Hospital and Clinics
Contact: 319-472-6300
The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program helps provide vaccines to children whose parents or guardians may not be able to afford them. Children whose health insurance covers the cost of vaccinations are not eligible for VFC vaccines. A child is eligible for VFC vaccines if he or she is younger than 19 years of age and is either (1) Medicaid eligible; (2) uninsured; (3) under-insured; or (4) American Indian or Alaska Native.
There is no charge for any vaccines given by a VFC provider to eligible children. But there can be some other costs with the vaccination.
- Doctors can charge a set (or standard) fee to administer each shot. However, if the family can't afford the fee per shot, the fee must be excused. A VFC-eligible child cannot be refused vaccination due to the parent's or guardian's inability to pay for shot administration.
- There can be a fee for the office visit.
- There can be fees for non-vaccine services, like an eye exam or blood test.
View more information on the VFC program and a list of VFC providers in Benton County.
Useful Links for More Information
- Virginia Gay Hospital
- Iowa Department of Public Health - Iowa Immunization Requirements
- CDC: Vaccines & Immunizations
- Healthy Children
- Vaccine Myths & Facts
- COVID-19 Vaccines (CDC)
You can look up immunization records on the Iowa Immunization Registry.