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Tenant & Rental Resources


Benton County Public Health is unable to directly assist with issues surrouding landlord/tenant incidents, bug infestation, improper wiring, dilapdated housing, or the condemation of properties. Please view the following resources below, or contact the Benton County Board of Supervisors at (319) 472-4869. Vinton residents may contact the Building Inspector & Code Enforcement Officer at 319-472-4707, option #4. 

While Benton County does not have a housing authority department or county-wide rental code enforcement, there are resources available to assist.

Iowa Chapter 562A Uniform Residential Landlord & Tenant Law

The Landlord Tenant Act explains your rights as a tenant and additional information on how you can take legal action if needed. 

Iowa Chapter 562A Uniform Residential Landlord & Tenant Law

Tenants usually need to give written notice to the landlord, and landlords usually have 7 days to make repairs after receiving the dated notice. Additional information on creating a clear letter and including the required information can be found here: https://www.zumper.com/blog/sample-letter-to-landlord-repairs-and-maintenance/

As an Iowa tenant, you have the legal right to request a habitable unit to live in, make a written notice for repairs, and have due process before an eviction. If landlords fail to comply with these terms, tenants can seek legal help. In Iowa, a landlord’s obligation for providing a habitable living space is primarily governed by Iowa Stat. 562.17. This legal requirement, commonly known as the “implied warranty of habitability,” also outlines the rights of tenants when repairs are not made in a timely manner.

Iowa Legal Aid

To obtain free legal assistance, you may call Iowa Legal Aid at 1-800-532-1275. Hours for telephone intake are Monday-Friday from 9 to 11 am or from 1:30 to 3:30 pm, except Thursday afternoons. Offices are open 8:30 to 4:30 (emergencies taken when open). 

Iowa Legal Aid: Common Tenant/Landlord Issues

Iowa Legal Aid: Landlords & Making Repairs

Benton County General Assistance

General Assistance may provide financial assistance to Benton County residents by following the guidelines set forth by the county ordinance that were established by the Benton County Board of Supervisors. Please see the General Assistance link here: General Assistance | Social Service | Benton County, IA (bentoncountyia.gov), and contact Benton County Social Services for additional information. 

For Benton County Social Services located in the Benton County Service Center, please call (319) 472-4743.