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Rabies Exposure & Bat Incidents


In Benton County and surrounding areas, the Human Rabies Immune-Globulin (HRIG) and the Human Rabvies Vaccine (HRV) are ONLY available through your local emergency department! In Benton County, this is Virginia Gay Hospital, located at 502 N 9th Ave. Vinton, IA.

What to do if you've been in contact with a bat or other unknown animal and are unsure if a bite has occurred, or know that a bite has occurred and are seeking assistance for potential rabies exposure.

Rabies Exposure Management for Bat-related Incidents

IDPH Rabies Exposure FAQ’s

"I know that I was bitten*, and the animal was not captured for testing."

HRIG & HRV administration recommended – please seek care at your local emergency department!

"I know that I was bitten*, and the animal was captured."

The animal may be tested for rabies, with shots able to be delayed up to 3 days pending results. If the animal has been captured, contact the State Hygienic Laboratory in Iowa City, IA at (319) 335-4500 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The facility has strict requirements as to how to obtain testing for an animal.

"I don’t know if I was bitten for certain."

IF the animal was in the same room, but you were not awake/alert the entire time, and the animal was not captured for testing, HRIG & HRV administration recommended – please seek care at your local emergency department!

IF the animal was in the same room, but you were not awake/alert the entire time, but the animal was able to be captured for testing, the animal may be tested for rabies with shots able to be delayed up to 3 days pending results. If the animal has been captured, contact the State Hygienic Laboratory in Iowa City, IA at (319) 335-4500 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The facility has strict requirements as to how to obtain testing for an animal.

IF the animal was not in the same room, no further action required.

"The individual in question is a young child."

Even if the young child was awake and alert the entire time the animal was in the room, BUT the animal was not captured for testing, HRIG & HRV administration recommended – please seek care at your local emergency department!

IF the young child was awake and alert the entire time the animal was in the room, AND the animal was able to be captured for testing, the animal may be tested for rabies with shots able to be delayed up to 3 days pending results. If the animal has been captured, contact the State Hygienic Laboratory in Iowa City, IA at (319) 335-4500 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The facility has strict requirements as to how to obtain testing for an animal.

*It is recommended that any and all wounds are washed with soap and water, and if possible, a povidone iodine solution. Evaluate tetanus vaccination status as well, and update as needed. 

***If you can say with 100% certainty you were NOT bitten, no further action is required. However, it is still recommended you follow up with Benton County Public Health to review the incident.