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Frequently Asked Questions

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Do I need to obtain a building permit prior to constructing, altering, reconstructing, or placing a structure?


Building permits are not required in the unincorporated area of Benton County. However, any construction within the 100-year floodplain requires a floodplain permit and the State of Iowa requires electrical permits. In addition, there may be land use requirements that must be met prior to construction, alteration, reconstruction, or placement of a structure. Contact the Environmental Health &; Land Use office to inquire what land use requirements must be met. If a property is within an incorporated city, you should contact your local building official or city hall to inquire if they require building permits.


How do I request an E911 address and/or sign?


E911 addresses are assigned by the Benton County Sheriff’s Office. Contact them at (319) 472-2337 to request an address or a sign.


Where do I find my legal description?


The full legal description for your property can be found on your land abstract,
deed, or survey of your property. An abbreviated description is available on the
Benton County Online Map Service (Beacon) which is accessible on the
Assessor’s website.


Where do I inquire about land use regulations in Benton County?


Land use regulations for the unincorporated area of Benton County are administered by the Environmental Health & Land Use Office which is located in the basement of the Benton County Courthouse, 111 E 4th St, Vinton. Contact the Environmental Health &; Land Use Office at (319) 472-3119 to discuss your proposed request so they can guide you in the next steps to be completed.