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There are many free resources available to those that wish to learn more about prairie restoration, reconstruction and Iowa Roadside Management. A small list of these can be found below.

Benton County Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Plan
This resource explains how the Benton County IRM program operates.


Benton County Conservation Newsletter
The Benton County IRM Program publishes articles in the Benton County Conservation Newsletter.


Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Technical Manual
This resource provides an in-depth look at IRM practices.

IRVM Technical Manual

Managing Roadsides for Bees and Butterflies
Provides information about roadside prairie restorations and their importance to native pollinators.

Pollinators and Roadsides

Milkweed Information Sheet
Provides information on Iowa’s native milkweed species.

Plant Milkweed for Monarchs

Gardening for Monarchs
Provides information on how to create gardens to support monarch butterflies.

Gardening for Monarchs

Tallgrass Prairie Center Videos
Provides information on how to design a native seed mix, plan a prairie reconstruction and calibrate a seed drill.

Tallgrass Prairie Center

Prairie Moon Nursery
Provides excellent plant photos and information that help in identifying native plants.

Prairie Moon Website

How to Germinate Seed Based Upon Seed Codes
Prairie Moon Nurseries guide on how to germinate native seed based upon seed codes. 

Starting from Seed