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Foundation - Donations & Memorials

Learn more about the Benton County Conservation Foundation! Donate today!

How does the foundation work? 

The Benton County Conservation Foundation is a 501(c)3. 

The general purpose of this organization is to promote preservation and enhancement of our natural resources through education and conservation, as provided for in Chapter 350 of the Code of Iowa, in the following manner:

  1. Promote the conservation of natural resources through a variety of educational programs.
  2. Conserve and protect unique natural areas.
  3. Develop and maintain suitable programs of public recreation.
  4. Serve the citizens of Benton County by assisting and interacting with other public service agencies.

The corporation shall fulfill its purpose by undertaking the following roles:

  1. Serving as an organizational base for volunteers for conservation programs. 
  2. Helping raise funds for designated projects and educational projects of the Benton County Conservation Board (BCCB).
  3. Advising the BCCB as to the needs of the community regarding programming.
  4. Supporting and furthering the functions of the BCCB by serving as a vehicle for community involvement.



Donations can be earmarked for whatever purpose in conservation you choose. Common examples are: Use where needed, Wildcat Acquisition, Land Management/Conservation Practices, Public Programing/Nature Center, East Unit Parks/Campgrounds, North Unit Parks/Campgrounds, South Unit Parks/Campground, Wildcat Bluff Disc Golf Course, Winegar/Tobin Area Equestrian Trials, Old Creamery Nature Trail. 

The Foundation accounts are held at Cedar Valley Bank in Vinton, Iowa.

Donations can be made directly to the bank, sent via mail to the conservation office (5718 20th Ave Drive, Vinton, IA), hand delivered to either location, or directly through various investment/funding accounts. 


Stay tuned for fundraising opportunities! Donations always welcome. 



The foundation meets quarterly throughout the year, keep an eye on the county calendar for meeting dates, times, and locations. Generally, they are on a Tuesday evening. 

Currently, the Foundation is looking for fundraising champion! Reach out if you'd like to get involved! 






[email protected]


PayPal Donations

PayPal: BentonCCF 

**There is a percentage fee associated with PayPal donations. 



Benton County Conservation Foundation
5718 20th Ave Drive
Vinton, Iowa 52349. 



Benton County Conservation Opportunity to Expand Wildcat Bluff Recreation Area

The Benton County Conservation Board (BCCB) is excited to announce an opportunity to expand one of its existing properties.

Our park, Wildcat Bluff Recreation Area (Wildcat Bluff), two miles south of Urbana, Iowa is home to: The East Unit Shop, 24 campsites, a boat ramp, miles of hiking trails, Iowa’s best disc golf course (ranked top 10 in the nation and top 20 in the world), great timber and wildlife habitat, and Cedar River fishing access. Wildcat Bluff offers all of this in just 194 acres.

As much as Wildcat has to offer, we are going to more than double the size of this property with this project, once funding is secured!

Benton County Conservation is partnering with Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF) and we are going to be adding roughly 194 acres immediately to the east of Wildcat Bluff. This property includes ideal timber habitat, upland and lowland habitat, and additional Cedar River bank. It will provide amazing hiking trails and habitat to support our native flora and fauna. This addition will soon bring Wildcat Bluff to a total of 312 acres for all to enjoy.

We need your help to make it happen.

We need donors in all capacities. Whether it be for small donations and fundraisers to large personal and corporate donations. Every bit makes a difference. We have a goal to raise as much as we can for the 1.2-million-dollar acquisition. We are very fortunate to work with INHF through this acquisition, but we must find funding. 

We’re excited to improve the quality of life for our citizens by providing recreational and educational opportunities that foster stewardship of our natural resources.

Please note, until it’s paid in full, this remains private property. The sooner we raise the funds, the sooner this will be open to the public for all to enjoy!

Reach out to us for donations or questions: email [email protected], call 319-472-4942, or go to www.bentoncountyia.gov/conservation

Click here to check out Wildcat Bluff Recreation Addition quick fact sheet!


Sponsor an Animal Ambassador! 

Donors may choose to sponsor the following Animal Ambassadors at the Benton County Nature Center:

Animal Cost      
Fox Snake $50
Iopnics $20
American Toad                $20
Snapping Turtle $50
False Map $50
Painted Turtle 1 $50
Painted Turtle 2 $50
Musk Turtle $50

The Animal Ambassador Sponsorship program helps fund animal care such as food, enclosure updates, vet care & animal enrichment.

Sponsorship perks include:

📃 Certificate with a picture of sponsored animal

🐍 Sponsor name on the tank

👀 Recognition in our quarterly newsletter

🐢 Giving to a good cause

📅 Animal Ambassador sponsorships are good for one year - starting September 1st of each year. Animal sponsorships also makes for an excellent gift for any nature lover in your life!

❗ To sponsor an Animal Ambassador, please call 319-472-4942 or email [email protected]




Foundation Members:

Chair - Dale Henry 
Treasurer - David Coulter 
Secretary - Kelly Kelly 
At Large Members - Jerry Kenney, Charlotte Binder, Melissa Miller, Matt Miller, Marsha Schrog, Dan Schrog, Paul Stults, Brad Harvan