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Atkins Roundhouse Area Tree/Vegetation Removal

All necessary attachments are below.

The IDEA project number would be 20-DRI-025


Qualified and experienced companies or vendors with a demonstrated history of successful tree and/or vegetation removal are invited to submit proposals for the Atkins Roundhouse Tree/Vegetation Removal located at 7051 Ben/Ln Rd, Atkins, IA. The Owner of this project is Benton County managed by Benton County Conservation Board.

Project information/Scope:


  1. Project Description 

This project involves the removal and disposal of trees and other vegetation in an assigned area of Atkins Roundhouse Area, Atkins, IA. This project is intended to complete clearing, grubbing, and trimming needs of storm damaged trees and other undesirable woody vegetation to allow for restoration projects. All woody vegetation will be removed unless designated by Conservation staff. All vegetation must be piled for burning, grubbed, or removed from site entirely.  


  1. Scope of Work/Description of Services 


The Scope of Services to be provided is described below: Debris distribution/removal on 78 acres to create openings to enable tree planting and natural regeneration.

  1. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment and labor associated with the proposed tree and vegetation clearing, grubbing, trimming and removal work involved with this project as noted below.    The Contractor shall retain the salvage value of any removed materials. 
  2. The Contractor shall provide appropriate traffic control for trail closure(s) and provide notice to the BCCB so proper public advance notifications can be made to area trail users. 
  3. No debris can be left on service roads/trails.
  4. Pull down all unattached hangers or leaners on dead or alive standing trees when it can be done safely. 
  5. Cut all live tree species stems 10 inches and less in diameter (measured 4.5 feet off the ground) flush/flat to the ground.
  6. To enable access for tree planting and routine management, all treetops & slash may be removed from the site. Chips can be left onsite as long as they are no more than 3 inches deep.
  7. Logs on the ground may be removed 
  8. Quality trees over 10 inches in diameter (i.e. Oak, Black Walnut, Shagbark Hickory, Sugar Maple, etc.) can be left scattered across the opening if present. Scattered dead stems not adjacent to the trails/service roads can be left standing if not a risk to surroundings. 
  9. No unexposed root balls are to be disturbed (standing trees must be cut). All stumps are to be ground/cut to ground level. Root balls of previously uprooted trees are to be put into burn piles or removed from site.
  10. Burn piles must be within the east section noted on the map in the bid documents, to remain out of the city limits. Fires cannot be started when wind is N, E, or NE to keep smoke from town.
  11. Important: All work will be completed between November 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025 when the ground is frozen or dry.  Based on Benton County Conservations judgment, if conditions are not appropriate work will be stopped until conditions are again favorable for the management activities. Careless felling or use of machinery can cause more long-term damage to the forest resource than was already there.  Avoid contacting the base, trunk, and branches of live residual trees when felling trees or skidding brush.




Bids will be received and accepted (virtually/in paper). Bids will only be accepted from September 10th to Friday, October 11. Separate sealed bids for Atkins Roundhouse Tree/Vegetation Removal will be received at the Benton County Nature Center, 5718 20th Ave Drive, Vinton, IA 52349 until 12:00 P.M. Friday, October 11, 2024 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. No bids can be submitted after Friday, October 11, 2024 at 12:00 P.M.


Bid Requirements and Submission Information:

Bids will be considered by the Benton County Conservation Board at its meeting on October 14, 2024.


All bid documents may be examined at the following: Benton County Nature Center 5718 20th Ave Drive, Vinton, IA 52349. To obtain DIGITAL Plans and Specifications, please email Shelby Williams at [email protected].


Benton County Conservation Board hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. Benton County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We encourage all small and minority owned firms and women’s business enterprises to participate.


This project is being supported with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant, Disaster Recovery grant funding. Therefore, certain restrictions and other federal requirements attach to this opportunity. Award of contract is subject to the requirements of the Iowa Economic Development Authority.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Community Development Block Grant, Davis-Bacon wage rates are to be used on this project. Current wage rates are available, and it is the Contractor's responsibility to make sure that they are using the most current rates at the time of bid opening. Wage rates should be reviewed prior to submitting a proposal the day of bid opening. Contractors must not appear on disbarment list, including any subcontractors. A detailed listing of all subcontractors shall be provided by the Bidder. In accordance with the Contract Documents, documentation that the prospective General Contractor and its subcontractors meet minimum qualifications shall be provided and submitted.


A detailed listing of all subcontractors shall be provided by the Bidder. In accordance with the Contract Documents, documentation that the prospective General Contractor and its subcontractors meet minimum qualifications shall be provided and submitted.


Current Davis Bacon wage specifications are attached.


The contract will require incorporation of provisions required by the CDBG Program, including a Section 3 clause, which is attached. Section 3 requires that recipients of HUD financial assistance to the greatest extent feasible, provide employing and contracting opportunities for low- or very-low income residents if/when new employee hiring is required due to the scope of the project. Requirements in hiring include the consideration of low- or very-low income residents, but firms maintain sole discretion in candidate selection. As such, an Intent to Comply with Section 3 form is attached and must be returned as part of the proposal.


This bidding process follows Iowa Code Ch. 26, Iowa Construction Bidding Procedures. Each bidder shall accompany the bid with a bid security as defined in section 26.8.


Benton County Conservation, Iowa does hereby reserve the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities, and to enter into such contract, or contracts, as it shall deem to be in the best interest of the jurisdiction.


Please contact Shelby Williams at [email protected] with any questions.


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