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Map imagery and other data provided through Benton County’s Geographic Information System (GIS) is for informational purposes only.  Property lines and boundary lines displayed on the GIS system is an approximate representation of the location of your property lines and should only be used as a visual reference.  Aerial maps are not to be used for legal purposes; if you are unsure of your property line(s), a certified local land surveyor may need to be contacted.  Benton County uses this information for its own purposes and provides it to users with no implied assurance as to its accuracy. Furthermore, Benton County will not be held liable for errors, omissions, or delays in this information if damages or losses occur from its display or use.

What is GIS?

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer technology that combines geographic data (the location of human-made and natural features on the earth's surface) and other types of information (names, classifications, addresses, and much more) to generate visual maps and reports.

Online Map Service Disclaimer

No person shall sell, give, reproduce, or receive for the purpose of selling or offering for sale, any portion of the data provided herein. Benton County makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. Benton County assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such data, and disclaims any representation or warranty as to the accuracy and currency of the data.

By accessing any of the Benton County online map services, you agree to the terms of the disclaimer and acknowledge that you have read the statement above.




National and Statewide Data